wikusph - 2008-09-07 13:49:41

As a owner of Scenery Heathrow from series Mega Airport from Aerosoft I'll intruduce you here version Mega Aitport Heathrow X under Flight Simulator Microsoft X. In pack you will find 1 CD for installation, Aproach Charts for airport, diagram of airport, and manual how to use e.g. how to open door Hangar British Airways on airport we'll find great projected buildings, System of navigation, Taxiing ways, nicely marked Taxiways and Gates. We'll find there great projected system of parking using mirror.

We'll find there projecter system of parking using a mirror

Here we can see Heathrow upward.

Where is security going

Here we can see Heathrow at night

And here Hangar British Airways

It opens when you type NAV 112.00
Barrier opens when you type NAV 113.00
to close you have to change NAV Freq into different than 112.00/113.00
On the pictures there are bars with FPS how you can see there are big slop or small in mine is ok at FSx is 15/20 FPS
but in 6/7 is not too bad as well.

Worth? : Yes if you often visit Heathrow or you are there everyday you should be pleased.

Price: ****
